Many readers will doubtless be astonished to learn that animals were being fired aloft in U.S. and Soviet research rockets in the late 1940s. In fact most people not only believe that the Russian space dog Laika was the first canine to be launched into space, but also that the high-profile, precursory Mercury flights of chimps Ham and Enos were the only primate flights conducted by the United States. In fact, both countries had sent literally dozens of animals aloft for many years prior to these events and continued to do so for many years after. Other latter-day space nations, such as France and China, would also begin to use animals in their own space research.
Animals in Space will explain why dogs, primates, mice and other rodents were chosen and tested, at a time when dedicated scientists from both space nations were determined to establish the survivability of human subjects on both ballistic and orbital space flights. It will also recount the way this happened; the secrecy involved and the methods employed, and offer an objective analysis of how the role of animals as spaceflight test subjects not only evolved, but subsequently changed over the years in response to a public outcry led by animal activists. It will explore the ways in which animal high-altitude and space flight research impacted on space flight biomedicine and technology, and how the results - both successful and disappointing - allowed human beings to then undertake that same hazardous journey with far greater understanding and confidence.
This book is intended as a detailed yet highly readable and balanced account of the history of animal space flights, and the resultant application of hard-won research to space technology and astrobiology. It will undoubtedly become the ultimate authority on animal space flights. -
Les prothèses tricompartimentaires du genou de première intention
- Springer
- 5 Mai 2006
- 9782287330018
Il paraît difficile et présomptueux de vouloir écrire un livre sur les
prothèses totales du genou. Les ouvrages de qualité traitant de ce sujet
sont nombreux. La prothèse du genou a, dès son origine, particulièrement
aux États-Unis, suscité des études considérables dans toutes les
directions : biomécaniques, physiologiques, biologiques et industrielles.
Notre but est d'offrir aux plus jeunes un livre de connaissances simples
sans prétention d'exhaustivité ni parti pris quant aux sujets longtemps
débattus (conservation ou non du ligament croisé postérieur, ciment ou
sans ciment, resurfaçage ou non de la rotule, plateau fixe ou plateau
mobile), et de donner des conseils pratiques issus de notre expérience.
Pourquoi se limiter aux tricompartimentaires de première intention ? Parce
que c'est la solution la plus courante aux problèmes habituels des genoux
dégénératifs. En outre, les prothèses unicompartimentaires et de révision
feront l'objet d'autres ouvrages. Chacun sait que mettre un modèle de
prothèse de genou, et donc à un système. Il importe cependant de pouvoir
garder sa liberté d'analyse pour conserver sa liberté de choix. Il faut
savoir mettre une prothèse de genou sans compromission ni fanatisme. -
The IT community has always struggled with questions concerning the value of an organization's investment in software and hardware. It is the goal of value-based software engineering (VBSE) to develop models and measures of value which are of use for managers, developers and users as they make tradeoff decisions between, for example, quality and cost or functionality and schedule - such decisions must be economically feasible and comprehensible to the stakeholders with differing value perspectives. VBSE has its roots in work on software engineering economics, pioneered by Barry Boehm in the early 1980s. However, the emergence of a wider scope that defines VBSE is more recent. VBSE extends the merely technical ISO software engineering definition with elements not only from economics, but also from cognitive science, finance, management science, behavioral sciences, and decision sciences, giving rise to a truly multi-disciplinary framework.
Biffl and his co-editors invited leading researchers and structured their contributions into three parts, following an introduction into the area by Boehm himself. They first detail the foundations of VBSE, followed by a presentation of state-of-the-art methods and techniques. The third part demonstrates the benefits of VBSE through concrete examples and case studies.
This book deviates from the more anecdotal style of many management-oriented software engineering books and so appeals particularly to all readers who are interested in solid foundations for high-level aspects of software engineering decision making, i.e., to product or project managers driven by economics and to software engineering researchers and students. -
This book offers a wide-ranging and up-to-date overview of the basic science underlying PET and
its preclinical and clinical applications in modern medicine. In addition, it provides the reader with a sound understanding of the scientific principles and use of PET in routine practice and biomedical imaging research. The opening sections address the fundamental physics, radiation safety, CT scanning dosimetry, and dosimetry of PET radiotracers, chemistry and regulation of PET radiopharmaceuticals, with information on labeling strategies, tracer quality control, and regulation of radiopharmaceutical production in Europe and the United States. PET physics and instrumentation are then discussed, covering the basic principles of PET and PET scanning systems, hybrid PET/CT and PET/MR imaging, system calibration, acceptance testing, and quality control. Subsequent sections focus on image reconstruction, processing, and quantitation in PET and hybrid PET and on imaging artifacts and correction techniques, with particular attention to partial volume correction and motion artifacts. The book closes by examining clinical applications of PET and hybrid PET and their physiological and/or molecular basis in conjunction with technical foundations in the disciplines of oncology, cardiology and neurology, PET in pediatric malignancy and its role in radiotherapy treatment planning. Basic Science of PET Imaging will meet the needs of nuclear medicine practitioners, other radiology specialists, and trainees in these fields. -
Mathematical Analysis and Applications-Plenary Lectures
Joachim Toft, Luigi G. Rodino
- Springer
- 11 Novembre 2018
- 9783030008741
This book includes the texts of the survey lectures given by plenary speakers at the 11th International ISAAC Congress held in Växj, Sweden, on 14-18 August, 2017. It is the purpose of ISAAC to promote analysis, its applications, and its interaction with computation. Analysis is understood here in the broad sense of the word, including differential equations, integral equations, functional analysis, and function theory. With this objective, ISAAC organizes international Congresses for the presentation and discussion of research on analysis.
The plenary lectures in the present volume, authored by eminent specialists, are devoted to some exciting recent developments, topics including: local solvability for subprincipal type operators; fractional-order Laplacians; degenerate complex vector fields in the plane; lower bounds for pseudo-differential operators; a survey on Morrey spaces; localization operators in Signal Theory and Quantum Mechanics. Thanks to theaccessible style used, readers only need a basic command of Calculus.
This book will appeal to scientists, teachers, and graduate students in Mathematics, in particular Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. -
This book expands on the classical statistical multivariate analysis theory by focusing on bilinear regression models, a class of models comprising the classical growth curve model and its extensions. In order to analyze the bilinear regression models in an interpretable way, concepts from linear models are extended and applied to tensor spaces. Further, the book considers decompositions of tensor products into natural subspaces, and addresses maximum likelihood estimation, residual analysis, influential observation analysis and testing hypotheses, where properties of estimators such as moments, asymptotic distributions or approximations of distributions are also studied. Throughout the text, examples and several analyzed data sets illustrate the different approaches, and fresh insights into classical multivariate analysis are provided. This monograph is of interest to researchers and Ph.D. students in mathematical statistics, signal processing and other fields where statistical multivariate analysis is utilized. It can also be used as a text for second graduate-level courses on multivariate analysis.
Goal and Scope Definition in Life Cycle Assessment
Mary Ann Curran
- Springer
- 22 Septembre 2016
- 9789402408553
This book describes the importance of the goal and scope phase for the entire LCA study. In this first phase of the LCA framework (ISO standardized), the purpose of the assessment is defined and decisions are made about the details of the industrial system being studied and how the study will be conducted. Selecting impact categories, category indicators, characterization models, and peer review is decided during goal and scope definition. The book provides practical guidance and an overview of LCIA methods available in LCA software. Although not specified in the ISO standards, Attributional LCA and Consequential LCA are presented in order to appropriately determine the goal and scope of an assessment. The book closes with the interconnection between goal and scope definition and the interpretation phase. Example goal and scope documents for attributional and consequential LCAs are provided in the annexes.
The Springer Handbook of Nanomaterials covers the description of materials which have dimension on the "nanoscale". The description of the nanomaterials in this Handbook follows the thorough but concise explanation of the synergy of structure, properties, processing and applications of the given material. The Handbook mainly describes materials in their solid phase; exceptions might be e.g. small sized liquid aerosols or gas bubbles in liquids. The materials are organized by their dimensionality. Zero dimensional structures collect clusters, nanoparticles and quantum dots, one dimensional are nanowires and nanotubes, while two dimensional are represented by thin films and surfaces. The chapters in these larger topics are written on a specific materials and dimensionality combination, e.g. ceramic nanowires. Chapters are authored by well-established and well-known scientists of the particular field. They have measurable part of publications and an important role in establishing new knowledge of the particular field.
Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods
Berend Denkena, Joerg R. Seume, Philipp Gilge
- Springer
- 11 Septembre 2024
- 9783031513954
This open access book compiles the groundbreaking research conducted by the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 871, centered around the "Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods." This comprehensive work unveils an array of innovative methods developed through CRC 871, designed to revitalize and enhance the functional attributes of these critical assets. From non-destructive characterization of heavily stressed turbine components to the dynamic behavior of regenerated structural elements, each chapter offers a meticulous exploration of diverse facets in the field. The book also addresses the crucial consideration of variability in repair processes and material properties, as well as the comprehensive control of regeneration processes. With insights into simulation-based process design, fast measurement techniques, and resilience-based decision criteria, this volume provides a comprehensive view of the cutting-edge approaches employed. Moreover, readers will find a detailed process chain for condition-based regeneration, offering a practical framework for implementation. Finally, the book sheds light on the importance of targeted public relations in disseminating the invaluable research carried out by Collaborative Research Center 871. This extensive compilation not only showcases the scientific rigor behind maintaining complex capital goods but also demonstrates the collaborative efforts that brought together experts from various fields to push the boundaries of regeneration technology.
Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie
Peter P. Schmittenbecher, Dirk W. Sommerfeldt
- Springer
- 7 Septembre 2024
- 9783662673539
Alle wichtigen Verletzungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen sind systematisch beschrieben mit detaillierten Informationen und vielen praktischen Tipps zu Klassifikation, Diagnostik, Therapieoptionen und Therapiewahl, Nachbetreuung und mglichen Komplikationen. Dargestellt sind nicht nur Unfallfolgen des Bewegungsapparats, sondern auch Schädel-, Thorax- und Bauchverletzungen, Weichteil-, Geburts- und thermische Traumen. Über 1200 Abbildungen zeigen typische Befunde und Therapieanwendungen. Für die 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel aktualisiert und zum Teil neu verfasst. Neu hinzugekommen ist ein Kapitel über Bildgebung und Klassifikation der Verletzungen.
Die umfassende Grundlage für eine differenzierte und fundierte Behandlung verletzter Kinder und Jugendlicher! -
Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Sanjay Yadav, Yogesh Shrivastava, Shanay Rab
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819749478
This book presents the select proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technologies (ICMET 2023). It covers a wide range of topics, including robotics and automation, advanced manufacturing technologies, materials science and engineering, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, automotive engineering, and interdisciplinary areas such as the application of computer science and electronics in mechanical engineering. This is a useful resource for researchers and professionals in mechanical engineering.
Children Affected by Armed Conflict in the Borderlands of Myanmar
Kai Chen
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819727407
This book focuses on children affected by armed conflict in the borderlands of Myanmar since the regime-change event in 2021. In the borderlands of this country, uncountable children have been killed or maimed by indiscriminate weapons, raids, artillery bombardments and air strikes. Concerning the Burmese children living in the rest of Myanmar, they have been exposed to feelings of insecurity and growing anxieties caused by deadly bombings and assassinations. No place in Myanmar is immune from armed conflict. Many displaced Burmese children fled into the neighboring countries, which did not ratify the 1951 Refugee Convention. With no refugee status, some displaced children faced the risk of being arrested and deported. Some displaced children became victims of human trafficking, or led a life of vagrancy. The stakeholders responsible for protecting children from armed conflict, have been promoting Myanmar towards reconciliation in their own ways. However, the stakeholders had to deal with three obstacles, that is, lack of consensus, insufficient cohesion and funding gap. When a national ceasefire is unavailable in Myanmar, the conflicting parties would probably welcome a humanitarian ceasefire in the borderlands of this country, rather than wearing each other out. In the case of Myanmar, a humanitarian ceasefire should be composed of three parts: immediate access to victims of armed conflict, safe passage of civilians, and release of detainees in batches. If everything goes well, an agreement for a humanitarian ceasefire in the borderlands of Myanmar, would be followed with peace talks in the foreseeable future.
The Enforceability of the Interim Measures Granted by an Emergency Arbitrator in International Commercial Arbitration
Junmin Zhang
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819765362
This timely book offers a comprehensive study of the emergency arbitrator mechanism that provides interim measures in international commercial arbitration before the constitution of an arbitral tribunal, focusing on the enforceability of the interim measures granted. Based on the traditional legal doctrines of private international law, international dispute resolution, and arbitration law, this book is featured mainly in comparative studies. Six leading arbitral institutions are chosen to conduct systematic research on applying the emergency arbitration rules to establish a general and common procedural framework for emergency arbitration in discussion. Normative and comparative law analyses investigate the status quo of available legal instruments used to recognize and enforce interim measures in emergency arbitration by examining international conventions and three representative chosen jurisdictions, i.e., Singapore, Mainland China, and the USA. Following these two levels of comparison, it highlights and examines the potential doctrinal and practical barriers that may impact the enforceability of interim measures rendered by an emergency arborator. Finally, it proposes various approaches that could be used to improve the enforceability controversy, and it offers innovative suggestions for further research. This book is of particular relevance and interest to students, researchers, and practitioners in dispute resolution and arbitration law, as well as policymakers, legislators, and arbitral institutions considering further reform in international arbitration.
Rural School Improvement in Developing Countries
Jing Liu, Yuchi Zhao
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819749171
This open access book examines the rural school improvement programs implemented in four developing countries, including China, Myanmar, Uganda, and Kenya. It analyzes research questions such as problems faced by rural schools in these countries, approaches or models adopted to improve these rural schools, specific interventions to address the problems and their effectiveness, and lessons learnt from these programs. It serves as a useful reference for researchers and policy makers interested in the field of rural education improvement.
Icephobic Materials for Anti/De-icing Technologies
Yizhou Shen
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819762934
This book fills the gap in the field of anti-icing by providing a comprehensive introduction to anti-icing materials and their technology. Additionally, the contents are important guidance for researchers, engineers, and graduate and undergraduate students. Icing can cause malfunctions or serious performance degradation in outdoor facilities, such as transportation and energy equipment, resulting in significant economic losses and even loss of life. With the rapid development of the aviation and renewable energy industries, minimizing anti-icing has become an urgent scientific problem worldwide. Traditional thermal and mechanical de-icing methods are used to prevent or inhibit ice formation, but they consume a huge amount of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new passive anti-icing technologies. In the last decade, icephobic materials have received increasing attention as commonly used passive anti-icing materials.
Immer mehr, schneller und mit mglichst geringen Ressourcen lautet oftmals die Devise in der Arbeitswelt 4.0. Dabei ist es mglich, Unternehmens- und Mitarbeiterinteressen bestmglich zu vereinen also, Unternehmen (noch) erfolgreicher zu machen und gleichzeitig Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden zu stärken. Denn konomisches und soziales Wohlergehen knnen sich sinnvoll komplementär ergänzen. Beleuchtet werden daher wesentliche Grundlagen für Wohlbefinden, Gesundheit und unternehmerischen Erfolg ebenso wie die Umsetzung in die Praxis mittels Positive Leadership gelingen kann.
Eine Entlassungswelle jagt die nächste. Gleichzeitig suchen Unternehmen nach den besten Talenten. Mit welcher Zukunftsstrategie gelingt es ihnen in der grßten Transformation der Arbeitswelt Mitarbeitende mitzunehmen und Talente für das KI-Zeitalter fitzumachen? Fest steht: Wer den Fokus nur auf das Onboarding richtet und keine innovative, zukunftsorientierte Offboarding-Strategie hat, riskiert, auf dem Talente-Markt ins Abseits zu geraten.
Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis einer bemerkenswerten Expedition, bei der Corinna Spaeth Sie mit Global Playern wie Allianz, ENGIE, SAP und vielen mehr auf eine Reise der Reorganisation jenseits des Mainstreams mitnimmt. Anhand der von der Autorin entwickelten Netzwerkbindungsstrategie lernen Unternehmer:innen, Personalentscheider:innen und Führungskräfte, wie sie in jeder Krise zu Talent-Magneten werden und langfristig wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. Wandelt sich die eigene Unternehmenskultur in eine Netzwerkbindungskultur, dann entstehen Innovation und Wertschpfung genau dort, wo sie Menschen mehr miteinander verbindet als trennt.
Mit interdisziplinären Top-Expert:innen, wie z. B. Prof. Dr. Anja Lüthy, Prof. Dr. Christian Busch oder Zukunftsforscher Sven Gàbor Jànszky, hat die Autorin Co-Creating-Interviews geführt und in der Unternehmenspraxis getestet. Alle Beteiligten haben ihr Wissen und ihre Expertise vereint, um etwas Neues und Einzigartiges zu schaffen: die Transformation von Bindung. Denn: So wie wir uns trennen, bestimmt, wie wir uns binden.
Der dreistufige Strategieansatz zur Netzwerkbindung zeigt transformationsverändernde Praxishacks auf, die Unternehmen in der Personalstrategie sowie im Umgang mit Mitarbeitenden zu Vorreitern machen. -
Modern complex multi-domain systems require increased efficiency, reliability and availability combined with reduced cost. This book contains papers on mathematical modeling and simulation of processes in various areas: in ecology and the environment, production and energy, information technology, samples of special purpose equipment, and cyber-physical systems.
The outcomes presented in the book will be useful to specialists involved in the modeling and simulation of real-world system, management and decision-making models, production models, and software products. Scientists have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest research in a variety of solutions proposed by leading scientists and to determine promising directions for solving complex scientific and practical tasks. Chapters of this book contain papers presented at the 18th MODS International Conference, November 13-15, 2023, Chernihiv, Ukraine. -
This book presents information on common-to-rare organisms from around the world that inhabit freshwater habitats. The first six chapters focus on organisms from the very small (e.g., protozoa, zooplankton, and fairy shrimp) to the huge (e.g., hippos, freshwater sharks, and giant turtles), while the last four chapters provide information on aquatic ecosystems (lakes, streams, caves, and wetlands). Included in this last section are the physical nature of the system and how that influences the kinds of animals living there.
This unique "nature" book, incorporating information from around the world on both aquatic systems and organisms, is written to attract the interest of a wide group of non-academic readers. -
Intercellular and Interorganellar Transfer and Communication in Biology and Medicine
Malgorzata Kloc, Jacek Z. Kubiak, Marta Halasa
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9783031620362
This volume covers recent developments on the role, composition, and functional significance of intercellular and interorganellar transfer. It highlights the involvement of intercellular and interorganellar transfer in cell and developmental biology, differentiation, pathogen dissemination, shaping the genetic makeup of organisms, and the development of various diseases.
Animals and plants evolved different communication mechanisms and transfer of molecules and organelles between cells and between organelles within the individual cells. Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) in animals, discovered as recently as 2004, and their functional equivalent in plants, plasmodesmata, discovered over 100 years ago, are the membranous bridges that mediate the transfer of organelles, membrane patches, vesicles, DNA/RNA, and different molecules between cells. In addition, there are other means of transfer and communication between the cells, such as cytonemes, airinames, extracellular vesicles (exosomes), and others. Variations in cytoskeletal composition, morphology, modality, and connected cells suggest that these structures play a role in development, establishment of cell fate, progenitor cell differentiation, cell reprogramming, ferroptosis, generation of cancer stem cells, and various diseases. The exchange of intact membrane patches (trogocytosis) between cells of the immune system may modify the immune response. Additionally, the transfer of genetic information between nucleus and organelles and cells of different species can shape the species and evolutionary outcome. Viral and bacterial pathogens can hijack the inter-cellular transfer routes to spread more efficiently. Cell-to-cell transfer of animal and plant pathogens can also occur by the virological synapse (VS). These specialized pathogen-induced structures share similarities and differences with neurological and immunological synapses.
Application of Nanocarriers in Brain Delivery of Therapeutics
Amit Alexander
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819728596
This book presents nanoparticles as potential drug delivery carriers for overcoming the blood-brain barrier. The initial chapter of the book discusses complex brain disorders, the currently available therapies, and their limitations. The book discusses the potential applications of polymeric nanoparticles, lipid nanocarriers, liposomes, inorganic nanoparticles, dendrimers, and stimuli-responsive polymers for targeted brain drug delivery. Further, it evaluates the development and role of different cell lines and animal models in brain research. Towards the end, the book reviews challenges, safety, toxicity, regulatory aspects, future possibilities, and constraints in the clinical translation of nanocarrier systems to treat neurological disorders. The book as such provides valuable information to neuroscientists, and researchers working in pharmaceuticals, nanomedicine, drug delivery research, and nanotechnology.
? -
Contemporary Australian Primary Science Teacher Education
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819756605
This book provides an evidence-based response to how `classroom-readiness' translates into the preparation of future teachers of science. It juxtaposes contemporary understanding of programming and practices in initial teacher education in an Australian context against international narratives. Through this, this book shifts the understanding of primary science education from a deficit model to one that critically examines, challenges and contest what is happening in this space, and why. It proposes problems of practice in primary science teacher education and then draws on these provocations to provide insights into possible solutions.
Toolbox für Marketing und Management
Ralf T. Kreutzer
- Springer Gabler
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9783658449902
Dieses Buch präsentiert die wichtigsten Werkzeuge für Marketing und Management in kompakter Form. Hierdurch knnen die interessierten Anwender schnell finden und erkennen, welche Tools ihnen bei der Bewältigung ihrer Aufgaben am besten helfen. Zusätzlich zeigt der Autor die immer wichtiger werdenden Erfolgsfaktoren der Kommunikation auf und erläutert anschaulich, was heute für eine überzeugende Präsentation unverzichtbar ist.
In der 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet und auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht. Das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz wird umfassend berücksichtigt. Neu sind Unterkapitel zu folgenden Themen: Four-ear-Listening, Tipps zur Literaturrecherche, OKR-Konzept, Ökobilanz, Not-to-do-Liste, Kunden-Unternehmens-Erwartungs-Matrix, Technology Acceptance Model, Analyse der Digital Business Performance, Kohorten-Analyse, Resilienz-Analyse, KI-Maturity-Analyse, Coopetition, Hedgehog-Konzept, Jobs-to-be-done-Konzept, Eisenhower-Matrix, Stakeholder-Onion-Modell, Zero-Base Budgeting, Kanban-Konzept, Storytelling und Haus der digitalen Transformation.
Management-Tool-Time mit Ralf T. Kreutzer: Der Vordenker im Marketing zeigt auf, wie konkrete Tätigkeiten in der Management-Praxis mit geeigneten Werkzeugen unterstützt werden knnen. Ein Buch für Menschen, welche die Arbeit erledigen müssen.
Prof. Dr. Holger Lütters, HTW, Berlin
Das Buch bietet eine kompakte und hchst anwendbare Hilfestellung für zentrale Entscheidungsbereiche in Marketing und Management. Die einzelnen Tools sind sorgfältig ausgewählt und werden klar nachvollziehbar erläutert. So knnen sich die interessierten Anwender eine individuelle Toolbox für ein erfolgreiches Agieren jederzeit selbst zusammenstellen.
Prof. Dr. Martina Peuser, Leibniz-Fachhochschule, Hannover
In diesem Buch finden Sie alles gut aufbereitet, was Sie für die tägliche strategische und operative Arbeit und Prozesse von der kreativen Ideenfindung bis zum Businessplan und dem Go-to-Market bentigen.
Niels Trapp, Senior Director, Renesas Electronics Europe -
The success of modern-day agriculture lies in the digitalization of agricultural systems. The primary aim of this book is to provide a starting point to understand the fundamentals and design of digital agriculture systems with reference to the enabling technologies that deal with the production, improvement, and protection of crops/plants and livestock. The other associated objectives of this book include the explanation of the design and deployment of IoT-based digital agriculture systems in such a simple way that agriculture students understand straightforwardly. Therefore, this book is an effort to partially fill the gap associated with the understanding of the development and deployment of digital agriculture systems (including both precision and smart farming). We believe that with the provided details of enabling technologies and their usage in digital agriculture systems, agriculture students will find it easier to comprehend the designing of small-/large-scale IoT-based digital agriculture systems. This book provides insight into different technologies, architectures, and case studies that will ultimately help students to understand the concept of Digital Agriculture and its related applications. It enables students to realize the importance of open issues and future challenges of digital agriculture systems.