john berry
Introduction à la psychologie interculturelle
Audrey Heine, Laurent Licata, John Berry
- De Boeck Supérieur
- Ouvertures psychologiques - Série LMD
- 22 Août 2022
- 9782807340497
Aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, il est important de comprendre les influences réciproques entre les cultures et les pensées, les comportements et les émotions. Ce manuel explore les liens entre culture et psychologie au moyen d'exemples pratiques.
La nécessité de mieux comprendre la manière dont les cultures influencent les pensées, les émotions et les comportements humains s'impose aujourd'hui à un nombre croissant de professionnels opérant dans de nombreux domaines. Il s'agit d'éviter deux tendances : la sous-estimation de l'influence de la culture sur les comportements (tendance universaliste) ou sa surestimation (tendance relativiste). Ce manuel fournit les éléments objectifs et scientifiques pour trouver l'équilibre entre ces deux postures extrêmes.
Il présente de manière attrayante et abordable tant les fondements que les avancées récentes dans les 3 branches de la psychologie (inter)culturelle : la psychologie interculturelle comparative, la psychologie culturelle et la psychologie des contacts interculturels. Il couvre aussi bien les approches anglo-saxonnes et internationales que les approches francophones.
Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement mise à jour, est d'une actualité brûlante, à l'heure où les questions de migration et de mixité socio-culturelle rythment la politique tant nationale qu'internationale, mais aussi la vie locale et quotidienne. -
Changing Values and Identities in the Post-Communist World
John Berry, Radosveta Dimitrova, Nadezhda Lebedeva
- Springer
- 4 Avril 2018
- 9783319726168
This book offers a comparative analysis of value and identity changes in several post-Soviet countries. In light of the tremendous economic, social and political changes in former communist states, the authors compare the values, attitudes and identities of different generations and cultural groups. Based on extensive empirical data, using quantitative and qualitative methods to study complex social identities, this book examines how intergenerational value and identity changes are linked to socio-economic and political development. Topics include the rise of nationalist sentiments, identity formation of ethnic and religious groups and minorities, youth identity formation and intergenerational value conflicts.
Gigging, Busking and Bending the Dots
John Berry
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 3 Juin 2013
- 9783035304626
This book traces the learning experiences of the jazz community in Bristol, UK from 1945 to 2012. Grounded in a methodology of participant observation and case studies, it documents changes in the economic, cultural and educational circumstances faced by the players. In their own words, the musicians recall the influences that initiated and developed their musicianship. Drawing on first-person accounts, the study traces the historical development of jazz music and musicians in Bristol. In the post-war years, players began to develop significant stylistic aspects in the jazz lexicon. Drawing on media sources and interaction in performance, players garnered a host of performing skills whilst suffering dwindling audiences and declining venues. Reforms in English music education in the 1980s offered formal opportunities to study jazz in the city's schools, drawing minimal attention from institutions. Practical learning and playing opportunities offered by the Local Authority music service sustained a modest membership over the years. Post millennium, local schools, with one or two exceptions, showed little interest in jazz education. Nevertheless, maintaining its traditional stance, Bristol's jazz community continues to exhort top quality jazz performances including compositions that match national and international standards.