Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Robert M.I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins, Simon E. Moulton
- Wiley-VCH
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9783527646050
The first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written
by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements, current status and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers,
carbon nanotubes and graphene, they adopt a systematic approach, covering all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication,
properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as
the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone re-growth,
spinal cord injury repair and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Invaluable reading for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrotechnicians, chemists, biologists, and bioengineers. -
Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Simon Moulton, Robert M.I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins
- Wiley-VCH
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9783527646043
The first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written
by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements, current status and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers,
carbon nanotubes and graphene, they adopt a systematic approach, covering all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication,
properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as
the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone re-growth,
spinal cord injury repair and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Invaluable reading for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrotechnicians, chemists, biologists, and bioengineers. -
Chris Mi, M. Abul Masrur, David Wenzhong Gao
- Wiley-VCH
- 22 Janvier 2015
- 9783527678082
Hybridkraftfahrzeuge und Elektroautos spielen für die Automobilindustrie eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Begrenzte Ressourcen und steigende Kraftstoffpreise prägen die Ansprüche von Verbrauchern. Durch energie- und umweltpolitische Vorgaben wird das Interesse an alternativen Antriebsformen zusätzlich gesteigert.
Auch in der Lehre an Universitäten und Hochschulen nimmt die die Technologie einen grßeren Stellenwert ein, neben klassischen Themen der Fahrzeugtechnik gewinnen moderne Hochleistungselektronik und die Entwicklung neuer Materialien für die Batterie- und Motortechnik an Bedeutung.
Leicht nachvollziehbar und mit der langjährigen Erfahrung aus Industrieforschung, Unternehmensfortbildung und akademischer Lehre vermitteln die Autoren Grundwissen und weiterführende Aspekte.
* Grundlagen der Hybridtechnik
* Einführung in Speicherelemente wie Batterien, Kondensatoren und Brennstoffzellen
* Überblick über gängige Hybridisierungskonzepte in Kraftfahrzeugen
* Leistungselektronik, Elektromotoren und elektrische Maschinen
* Komponentenauslegung und Designoptimierung
* Leistungs- und Energiemanagement im Fahrzeug
* Zuverlässigkeit, elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und Lebensdauer
* Entwicklungen bei fortgeschrittenen Architekturen des Hybrid-Antriebsstrangs wie Planetengetriebe, Doppelkopplungsgetriebe und Two-Mode-Hybridsysteme
* Modellierung und Simulation auf Basis von MATLAB/Simulink
Am Beispiel von Zügen, Flugzeugen, Schiffen und weiteren Transportmitteln wird der Einsatz von Hybridtechnik außerhalb der Automobilindustrie erläutert. Fragen zu Kommerzialisierung und Standardisierung geben einen Ausblick auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung.
Das erste in sich abgeschlossene Lehrbuch über alles, was man alles, was man zu Konzeption und Betrieb von Hybridfahrzeugen wissen muss. -
A one-of-a-kind exploration of the fundamentals of functional polymer foams, including their fabrication and a variety of their most common applications In Functional Polymer Foams: Green Fabrication Methods, Performance and Applications, distinguished researcher Dr. Hao-Yang Mi delivers an up-to-date and incisive discussion of the fundamentals of functional polymer foams, as well as their fabrication methods and a diverse set of applications. The author covers a variety of the material's applications, including energy absorption, acoustic absorption, superhydrophobic materials, tissue engineering scaffolding, flexible sensors, and solar steam generation. Readers will find comprehensive summaries of the mechanisms, fabrication methods, and relative performance of various polymer foams, as well as: A thorough introduction to functional polymer foams, including the fundamentals of SCF foamingComprehensive explorations of energy absorbing polymer foams, including mechanisms of action, testing, and characterizationPractical discussions of functional polymer foams used in thermal insulation, including their fabricationComplete treatments of acoustic absorption polymer foams and superhydrophobic foams, including advanced applications Perfect for polymer chemists, materials scientists, and researchers working in the sensor industry, Functional Polymer Foams will also benefit sensor developers and electronics engineers with an interest in the fabrication methods and applications of functional polymer foams.