Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles and Mobile Devices
Chris Mi, Chun T. Rim
- Wiley-IEEE Press
- 5 Juin 2017
- 9781119329022
From mobile, cable-free re-charging of electric vehicles, smart phones and laptops to collecting solar electricity from orbiting solar farms, wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies offer consumers and society enormous benefits. Written by innovators in the field, this comprehensive resource explains the fundamental principles and latest advances in WPT and illustrates key applications of this emergent technology. Key features and coverage include: The fundamental principles of WPT to practical applications on dynamic charging and static charging of EVs and smartphones. Theories for inductive power transfer (IPT) such as the coupled inductor model, gyrator circuit model, and magnetic mirror model. IPTs for road powered EVs, including controller, compensation circuit, electro-magnetic field cancel, large tolerance, power rail segmentation, and foreign object detection. IPTs for static charging for EVs and large tolerance and capacitive charging issues, as well as IPT mobile applications such as free space omnidirectional IPT by dipole coils and 2D IPT for robots. Principle and applications of capacitive power transfer. Synthesized magnetic field focusing, wireless nuclear instrumentation, and future WPT. A technical asset for engineers in the power electronics, internet of things and automotive sectors, Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles and Mobile Devices is an essential design and analysis guide and an important reference for graduate and higher undergraduate students preparing for careers in these industries.
The latest developments in the field of hybrid electric vehicles Hybrid Electric Vehicles provides an introduction to hybrid vehicles, which include purely electric, hybrid electric, hybrid hydraulic, fuel cell vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric, and off-road hybrid vehicular systems. It focuses on the power and propulsion systems for these vehicles, including issues related to power and energy management. Other topics covered include hybrid vs. pure electric, HEV system architecture (including plug-in & charging control and hydraulic), off-road and other industrial utility vehicles, safety and EMC, storage technologies, vehicular power and energy management, diagnostics and prognostics, and electromechanical vibration issues. Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Second Edition is a comprehensively updated new edition with four new chapters covering recent advances in hybrid vehicle technology. New areas covered include battery modelling, charger design, and wireless charging. Substantial details have also been included on the architecture of hybrid excavators in the chapter related to special hybrid vehicles. Also included is a chapter providing an overview of hybrid vehicle technology, which offers a perspective on the current debate on sustainability and the environmental impact of hybrid and electric vehicle technology. Completely updated with new chapters Covers recent developments, breakthroughs, and technologies, including new drive topologies Explains HEV fundamentals and applications Offers a holistic perspective on vehicle electrification Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and Applications with Practical Perspectives, Second Edition is a great resource for researchers and practitioners in the automotive industry, as well as for graduate students in automotive engineering.
In high power, high voltage electronics systems, a strategy to manage short timescale energy imbalances is fundamental to the system reliability. Without a theoretical framework, harmful local convergence of energy can affect the dynamic process of transformation, transmission, and storage which create an unreliable system. With an original approach that encourages understanding of both macroscopic and microscopic factors, the authors offer a solution. They demonstrate the essential theory and methodology for the design, modeling and prototyping of modern power electronics converters to create highly effective systems. Current applications such as renewable energy systems and hybrid electric vehicles are discussed in detail by the authors. Key features: offers a logical guide that is widely applicable to power electronics across power supplies, renewable energy systems, and many other areas analyses the short-scale (nano-micro second) transient phenomena and the transient processes in nearly all major timescales, from device switching processes at the nanoscale level, to thermal and mechanical processes at second level explores transient causes and shows how to correct them by changing the control algorithm or peripheral circuit includes two case studies on power electronics in hybrid electric vehicles and renewable energy systems Practitioners in major power electronic companies will benefit from this reference, especially design engineers aiming for optimal system performance. It will also be of value to faculty staff and graduate students specializing in power electronics within academia.
Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Robert M.I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins, Simon E. Moulton
- Wiley-VCH
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9783527646050
The first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written
by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements, current status and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers,
carbon nanotubes and graphene, they adopt a systematic approach, covering all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication,
properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as
the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone re-growth,
spinal cord injury repair and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Invaluable reading for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrotechnicians, chemists, biologists, and bioengineers. -
Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Simon Moulton, Robert M.I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins
- Wiley-VCH
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9783527646043
The first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written
by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements, current status and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers,
carbon nanotubes and graphene, they adopt a systematic approach, covering all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication,
properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as
the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone re-growth,
spinal cord injury repair and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Invaluable reading for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrotechnicians, chemists, biologists, and bioengineers. -
Provides technical details and developments for all automotive power transmission systems The transmission system of an automotive vehicle is the key to the dynamic performance, drivability and comfort, and fuel economy. Modern advanced transmission systems are the combination of mechanical, electrical and electronic subsystems. The development of transmission products requires the synergy of multi-disciplinary expertise in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and electronic and software engineering. Automotive Power Transmission Systems comprehensively covers various types of power transmission systems of ground vehicles, including conventional automobiles driven by internal combustion engines, and electric and hybrid vehicles. The book covers the technical aspects of design, analysis and control for manual transmissions, automatic transmission, CVTs, dual clutch transmissions, electric drives, and hybrid power systems. It not only presents the technical details of key transmission components, but also covers the system integration for dynamic analysis and control. Key features: Covers conventional automobiles as well as electric and hybrid vehicles. Covers aspects of design, analysis and control. Includes the most recent developments in the field of automotive power transmission systems. The book is essential reading for researchers and practitioners in automotive, mechanical and electrical engineering.
Intellectual Property and Innovation Protection
RÉ, Mi Lallement
- Wiley-ISTE
- 1 Novembre 2017
- 9781119473848
This book analyses the various ways in which intellectual property (IP) operates in relation to innovation activity. It reflects on the "classical" issues of the IP system related to the necessity of protecting risky and often costly investments undertaken by firms and others players involved in the innovation process. Beyond this, it stresses the numerous challenges addressed by contemporary technological and societal change, especially in a world where the digital revolution is rapidly transforming the way in which innovation is organized. In this context, the new corporate IP and innovation practices call for responses on the part of public policies.
Chris Mi, M. Abul Masrur, David Wenzhong Gao
- Wiley-VCH
- 22 Janvier 2015
- 9783527678082
Hybridkraftfahrzeuge und Elektroautos spielen für die Automobilindustrie eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Begrenzte Ressourcen und steigende Kraftstoffpreise prägen die Ansprüche von Verbrauchern. Durch energie- und umweltpolitische Vorgaben wird das Interesse an alternativen Antriebsformen zusätzlich gesteigert.
Auch in der Lehre an Universitäten und Hochschulen nimmt die die Technologie einen grßeren Stellenwert ein, neben klassischen Themen der Fahrzeugtechnik gewinnen moderne Hochleistungselektronik und die Entwicklung neuer Materialien für die Batterie- und Motortechnik an Bedeutung.
Leicht nachvollziehbar und mit der langjährigen Erfahrung aus Industrieforschung, Unternehmensfortbildung und akademischer Lehre vermitteln die Autoren Grundwissen und weiterführende Aspekte.
* Grundlagen der Hybridtechnik
* Einführung in Speicherelemente wie Batterien, Kondensatoren und Brennstoffzellen
* Überblick über gängige Hybridisierungskonzepte in Kraftfahrzeugen
* Leistungselektronik, Elektromotoren und elektrische Maschinen
* Komponentenauslegung und Designoptimierung
* Leistungs- und Energiemanagement im Fahrzeug
* Zuverlässigkeit, elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und Lebensdauer
* Entwicklungen bei fortgeschrittenen Architekturen des Hybrid-Antriebsstrangs wie Planetengetriebe, Doppelkopplungsgetriebe und Two-Mode-Hybridsysteme
* Modellierung und Simulation auf Basis von MATLAB/Simulink
Am Beispiel von Zügen, Flugzeugen, Schiffen und weiteren Transportmitteln wird der Einsatz von Hybridtechnik außerhalb der Automobilindustrie erläutert. Fragen zu Kommerzialisierung und Standardisierung geben einen Ausblick auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung.
Das erste in sich abgeschlossene Lehrbuch über alles, was man alles, was man zu Konzeption und Betrieb von Hybridfahrzeugen wissen muss. -
A one-of-a-kind exploration of the fundamentals of functional polymer foams, including their fabrication and a variety of their most common applications In Functional Polymer Foams: Green Fabrication Methods, Performance and Applications, distinguished researcher Dr. Hao-Yang Mi delivers an up-to-date and incisive discussion of the fundamentals of functional polymer foams, as well as their fabrication methods and a diverse set of applications. The author covers a variety of the material's applications, including energy absorption, acoustic absorption, superhydrophobic materials, tissue engineering scaffolding, flexible sensors, and solar steam generation. Readers will find comprehensive summaries of the mechanisms, fabrication methods, and relative performance of various polymer foams, as well as: A thorough introduction to functional polymer foams, including the fundamentals of SCF foamingComprehensive explorations of energy absorbing polymer foams, including mechanisms of action, testing, and characterizationPractical discussions of functional polymer foams used in thermal insulation, including their fabricationComplete treatments of acoustic absorption polymer foams and superhydrophobic foams, including advanced applications Perfect for polymer chemists, materials scientists, and researchers working in the sensor industry, Functional Polymer Foams will also benefit sensor developers and electronics engineers with an interest in the fabrication methods and applications of functional polymer foams.