Jean Garbarino
Jean Garbarino
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Librairie Flammarion)
- 12 Décembre 2018
- 9782402289986
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment
Sergio Garbarino, Lino Nobili, Giovanni Costa
- Springer
- 8 Avril 2014
- 9788847053885
The World Health Organization supports tools and initiatives in Health Impact Assessment to dynamically improve health and well-being across different sectors. Human Impact Assessment (HuIA) is a relatively new concept. It describes an integrated process that encompasses both Health Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment and is used to anticipate the effects of programs, projects and decisions on human health and welfare. Sleep occupies approximately one-third of our lives, but its human impact remains largely unrecognized. The prevalence of excessive sleepiness is recognized to be increasing in industrialized societies. Without doubt, sleepiness and fatigue have high costs in terms of both lives lost and socioeconomic impact. For example, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that up to 4% of all fatal crashes are caused by drowsy drivers and that as many as 100,000 deaths per year in the United States may be due to fatigue-related medical errors.Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment provides a uniquely comprehensive exploration of many different facets of sleepiness in our 24-hour society from the new HuIA point of view. Among the covered issues are the physiology and pathophysiology of sleep, its relationship to daytime alertness, fatigue and drugs, the relevance of sleep-related fatigue in various occupational settings and public safety. This book will be of assistance to physicians, occupational health professionals, ergonomists, researchers and decision-makers as they strive to understand the full significance of sleepiness and to create a culture of accountability in everyday life without sleep-related risks.
A Child's Right to a Healthy Environment
James Garbarino, Garry Sigman
- Springer
- 15 Septembre 2010
- 9781441967916
It's a startling reality that more American children are victims-and perpetrators-of violence than those of any other developed country. Yet unlike the other nations, the United States has yet to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Compelling, readable, and interdisciplinary, A Child's Right to a Healthy Environment provides an abundance of skilled observation, important findings, and keen insights to place children's well-being in the vanguard of human rights concerns, both in the United States and globally.Within this volume, authors examine the impediments to the crucial goals of justice, safety, dignity, well-being, and meaning in children's lives, factors as varied as socioeconomic stressors, alienated, disengaged parents, and corrosive moral lessons from the media. The complex role of religious institutions in promoting and, in many cases, curtailing children's rights is analyzed, as are international efforts by advocates and policymakers to address major threats to children's development, including:War and natural disasters.Environmental toxins (e.g., malaria and lead poisoning).The child obesity epidemic.Gun violence.Child slavery and trafficking.Toxic elements in contemporary culture.A Child's Right to a Healthy Environment is a powerful call to action for researchers and professionals in developmental, clinical child, school, and educational psychology as well as psychiatry, pediatrics, social work, general and special education, sociology, and other fields tasked with improving children's lives.
The Positive Psychology of Personal Transformation
James Garbarino
- Springer
- 6 Janvier 2011
- 9781441977441
Given the current climate of economic and environmental uncertainty, it is all too easy for individuals to feel hopeless about their lives and indifferent to the problems of others. But according to leading psychologist, James Garbarino, this is the peak time for people to enhance their optimism, empathy, and emotional responsiveness. In his important new book, The Positive Psychology of Personal Transformation, Dr. Garbarino reveals the social basis for moral development in adversity, and the mental and physical benefits of psychological and spiritual growth.Drawing widely on his years as a healing professional and own experience of personal crisis as well as on decades of resilience and happiness literature, the author traces the evolution of the moral sense that affects all human relationships, including the one with the Earth itself. In these compelling pages, Dr. Garbarino:Examines how humans' deep bonds with dogs can model positive human relationships.Compares the risks and benefits of the "oblivious" versus the self-aware life.Analyzes the role of trauma in heightening our sense of the meaning of life and defines the experience of transformational grace in adversity.Explains current manifestations of narcissism and the need for "the positive death of the self."Asserts that every person is capable of "living an `extraordinary' life."A book with vast significance across the healing disciplines, The Positive Psychology of Personal Transformation should be read, savored, and practiced by researchers, practitioners, and scientists in clinical child, school, and developmental psychology; social work; educational and community psychology; sociology; and public health.
Beginning Kubernetes on the Google Cloud Platform
Ernesto Garbarino
- Apress
- 28 Novembre 2019
- 9781484254912
Use this beginner's guide to understand and work with Kubernetes on the Google Cloud Platform and go from single monolithic Pods (the smallest unit deployed and managed by Kubernetes) all the way up to distributed, fault-tolerant stateful backing stores.
You need only a familiarity with Linux, Bash, and Python to successfully use this book. Proficiency in Docker or cloud technology is not required. You will follow a learn-by-doing approach, running small experiments and observing the effects.
Google open sourced Kubernetes in 2015 and now it is the industry standard in container orchestration. It has been adopted by all leading vendors of cloud, on-prem, and hybrid infrastructure services: Microsoft (Azure AKS), Amazon (AWS EKS), IBM (IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services), Alibaba Cloud (ACK), RedHat (OpenShift), and Pivotal (PKS). Even though Kubernetes is offered by all of the market-leading cloud providers, the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers anintegrated shell (Google Cloud Shell) and a $300 credit to get started, which makes it the ideal platform to not only learn Kubernetes but also to implement final production workloads.
What You Will Learn
Set up a Kubernetes cluster in GCPDeploy simple Docker images using monolithic PodsArrange highly available and highly scalable applications using DeploymentsAchieve zero-downtime deployments using the Service controllerExternalize configuration using ConfigMaps and SecretsSet up batch processes and recurrent tasks using Jobs and CronJobsInstall horizontal (sidecar pattern) services using DaemonSetsImplement distributed, stateful backing stores using StatefulSets
Who This Book Is For
Beginners with basic Linux admin and scripting skills (Bash and Python). Proficiency with Docker is not required as all examples in the book use off-the-shelf public images from Docker Hub. -
Itineraires pedagogiques de l'alternance des langes - l'intercomprehension
- UGA Éditions
- 14 Juin 2018
- 9782377470501
Il est bien difficile désormais d'échapper aux contacts quotidiens avec différentes langues étrangères, parfois en même temps, dans les médias, les réseaux sociaux, les rencontres et les échanges, pour des raisons professionnelles, publiques ou privées. Ces contacts font appel à des aptitudes, capacités et ressources langagières que les approches plurielles, et parmi elles l'intercompréhension, visent à développer. Ainsi, de nombreux acteurs de la formation en langues ont pris conscience de cette nouvelle donne et s'emploient à proposer des actions adaptées, à savoir des pratiques qui mettent en scène plusieurs langues au sein d'une même séquence pédagogique. Ce sont ces pratiques que cet ouvrage focalise, leurs objectifs, structures et apports ainsi que les difficultés rencontrées, donnant à voir le dynamisme du concept d'intercompréhension dans des contextes différents, ainsi que sa capacité d'impact en didactique des langues et au-delà. Il apparaît en effet que les approches se réclamant de cette notion se diffusent sur des terrains aussi divers que la formation des adultes et l'enseignement scolaire, en passant par l'université et la formation professionnelle sur objectifs spécifiques, dans des cours de langues mais aussi dans des formations d'enseignants, initiales ou continues, ou encore dans des cours à objectifs interculturels et, plus largement, dans les disciplines non linguistiques. Ce faisant, à travers cette dissémination, le concept suit un double processus de définition et de questionnement à partir de notions connexes. Cet ouvrage parcourt ces itinéraires, conceptuels et épistémologiques d'une part, pratiques et de terrain d'autre part, au fil de dix-huit chapitres - dont deux en espagnol, un en portugais et un en italien -, agencés en quatre parties, mettant ainsi en relief une didactique de l'alternance des langues en voie de consolidation.