At the crossroads of various disciplines, this collective work examines the possibility of a new end-user "engagement" in ongoing digital/technological products and services development. It provides an overview of recent research specifically focused on the user's democratic participation and empowerment. It also enables readers to better identify the main opportunities of participatory design, a concept which encourages the blurring of the role between user and designer. This allows people to escape their status as "end-user" and to elevate themselves to the level of creator.This book explores new avenues for rethinking the processes and practices of corporate innovation in order to cope with current socio-economic and technological changes. In so doing, it aims to help companies renew industrial models that allow them to design and produce new ranges of technological products and services by giving the user an active role in the development process, far beyond the basic role of consumer.Intended for designers, design researchers and scientists interested in innovation and technology management, this book also provides a valuable resource for professionals involved in technology-based innovation processes.
Qu'y aurait-il de foncierement change aujourd'hui dans la maniere moins, peut-etre, de transmettre le design (son histoire, sa culture, sa theorie) que de former au design ? selon l'acception jadis retenue notamment par Johannes Itten et Walter Gropius touchant a l'interiorite de l'etre, a son accomplissement et ne se rapportant nullement ici au formatage de l'esprit, au dressage ou conditionnement de l'action ; former (ou, symetriquement, se former) au design ne serait autre, en l'espece, que viser l'acces aux 'savoir-penser' et 'savoir-creer' conjugues permettant l'approfondissement de la subjectivite et favorisant la construction d'une conscience aussi eclairee que libre.
Autour de cette question complexe, mais du reste essentielle, plusieurs acteurs francophones de l'enseignement du design ici reunis partagent leurs regards, leurs convictions et reflexions, tentant ainsi d'y apporter certains elements de reponse. -
The present work provides a platform for leading Data designers whose vision and creativity help us to anticipate major changes occurring in the Data Design field, and pre-empt the future. Each of them strives to provide new answers to the question, "What challenges await Data Design?" To avoid falling into too narrow a mind-set, each works hard to elucidate the breadth of Data Design today and to demonstrate its widespread application across a variety of business sectors. With end users in mind, designer-contributors bring to light the myriad of purposes for which the field was originally intended, forging the bond even further between Data Design and the aims and intentions of those who contribute to it. The first seven parts of the book outline the scope of Data Design, and presents a line-up of "viewpoints" that highlight this discipline's main topics, and offers an in-depth look into practices boasting both foresight and imagination. The eighth and final part features a series of interviews with Data designers and artists whose methods embody originality and marked singularity. As a result, a number of enlightening concepts and bright ideas unfold within the confines of this book to help dispel the thick fog around this new and still relatively unknown discipline. A plethora of equally eye-opening and edifying new terms, words, and key expressions also unfurl. Informing, influencing, and inspiring are just a few of the buzz words belonging to an initiative that is, first and foremost, a creative one, not to mention the possibility to discern the ever-changing and naturally complex nature of today's datasphere. Providing an invaluable and cutting-edge resource for design researchers, this work is also intended for students, professionals and practitioners involvedin Data Design, Interaction Design, Digital & Media Design, Data & Information Visualization, Computer Science and Engineering.